Monday, May 9, 2016

American Media Gives Hillary Clinton Free Pass on Policy

America´s news coverage of Hillary Clinton is about as
useful as celebrity gossip magazines. Questions on foreign policy plans for America´s role in the Libyan disaster have been replaced with opinion pieces on Clinton´s imminent win over Donald Trump. Bo Copley´s legitimate concern over the future of coal mining flashed by with ludicrous speed. American soldiers are dying in foreign wars without a tweet to mourn their passing. Clinton is being asked about her defense against Donald Trump´s attacks on her husband´s infidelity. American media is asking all the wrong questions and its´ citizens will pay the price.

Clinton´s continual focus on gun control is a heinous example of this. Clinton´s campaign exploits of gun victims in the media blasts America´s right to bear arms. Executive orders by Clinton will begin placing further restrictions on who is able to legally purchase a gun. These are irrelevant when guns are easily smuggled over the border from Mexico. Clinton´s belief in strangleholds on legitimate buyers are not going to be followed by illegal sellers. Heroin is illegal to purchase in the United States yet the law has never hindered users from finding the means to procure it nor will laws stop illegal gun purchases. Reporters should be asking how Clinton intends to tightly secure the border against all contraband before she begins a mistaken crusade to penalize law-abiding legal gun owners.

Finally, if the American media will not ask the most important question then I beg the global media to do it: Hillary Clinton what is your EXACT plan on America´s future role in global affairs? No BS on ´we will do our best´ or ´work with our allies.´ The Clinton Foundation´s shady past of convenient donations followed by favors from Clinton´s stint as secretary of state has cost thousands of lives. How can global citizens, NOT government leaders, believe America has enough decency to do what is right in this world.  

Why does your nation keep meddling in foreign affairs when the beneficiary is clearly not the people? The world is not talking about the Iraq war under Bush but the Libyan debacle under your tenure as Secretary of State. No sane individual believes the split decision where the most important guidance came from the lips of the SOS did not sway the president´s decision. What benefit was the coup in Honduras which the media tiptoed around leaving Americans in the dark about their role? Obama quakes under Putin´s glare while relations sour before being saved. Why should America be trusted to a 3rd term of an administration which has done so much global destruction? 

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