Thursday, January 23, 2014

'THAT AWKWARD MOMENT' (Best Wishes on a New Semester!)

In honor of my sister's new semester I thought this was an appropriate laugh for today. For a lot of students 'that awkward moment' is cause for tears. Lots of tears and lots of snot. Ew.

Then there are those of us, like myself, who take 'that awkward moment' to new heights (or lows if you prefer). We sit there completely lost and out slips a giggle. Then a little bit of laughter we attempt to hide behind our hands.

Suddenly we are just staring at the blank test in front of us and laughing. Laughing because we are definitely screwed and like so many crappy life situations, you have to laugh or cry. So we laugh and laugh. Then we get told to leave for laughing like an idiot.

Looking at this makes me laugh in total relief. I haven't had to face 'that awkward moment' in years. May this semester never be filled with test moments like this for my little sister. But if 'that awkward moment' does appear then I hope she faces it with laughter and not snotty tears.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Freaking Fish Just Touched Me!

I know people who have this EXACT reaction when it comes to a fish 'touching' them. They literally go jumping out of the water when 90% of the time it was aquatic foliage NOT a fish they touched.

The best part is thinking of how the fish must feel in this scenario. You are swimming around minding your own business when this leg appears in front of your face. I know, if it were me, I would get the heck out of there.

Don't flatter yourself, I say. Most fish do not care enough about you to want to go around 'touching' you. Actually, it sounds a bit perverted that way which really does make me laugh all over again.