Thursday, November 3, 2016

Project Veritas Reveals the Stink of Democratic Corruption

Project Veritas has been ignored by the mainstream media
for revealing the corruption of Democrats across the country. These Democrats are not those in the highest circles. They aren't cronies of the DNC. Instead they are those who are supposed to be doing the honorable job of assisting Americans in their Patriotic duty.

The disgust at hearing volunteers admitting to disposing of voter registrations for any with a Republican straight ticket is nauseating. Seeing Project Veritas James O'Keefe removed from Twitter; his videos banned from YouTube remain further proof of an election rife with corruption. Silencing an American voice for unleashing truths to the world strikes at the right to free speech.

 Mainstream media continue to push the narrative these videos are selectively edited lies. If they are lies then why has more than one Democratic been fired with another quickly resigning? The most damning of all videos is one which dampens the argument Republicans are the only racists in this country. Video revealed a large Democratic donor referring to black Republicans as being f***ed in the head. The man goes so far as to compare these black Republicans to the Jewish guards who aided Nazis in exterminating Jews in concentration camps. Ironic claims when George Soros, a major  Clinton backer, was a Jewish Nazi collaborator in World War II.

The videos are almost unreal. If these were Republicans speaking the media would demonize every supporter. Investigations would flood the party's movements. Instead Project Veritas is quickly being silenced. Reporters attempt to spin hateful rants as being selectively edited. Selectively editing a video where black Republicans are referred to as sommerkommandos is unreal. If this is editing then in what context is it morally correct to call a black person f***ed in the head for their political views? 

Wikileaks has unveiled a party which is deplorable. Read the words of John Podesta. The campaign manager has no respect for the American people. Clinton should denounce his actions yet he remains at her side. The undying party loyalty Democrats show to such corruption is perplexing. Blind to anything but electing Clinton they do not see the disgust of rational Americans.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Millenials Lack Previous Generation's Diehard Party Loyalty

I'm outside with the smokers. They are the people
who stand apart from the bar atmosphere of loud music and closed groups. I prefer their company. Whether it's the booze or Halloween costumes everyone feels like talking. Talking about the social faux pas of the moment: politics.

The words are basic with no one wanting to admit just how divided the country is. I expect here, in the heart of a place known for Democratic leaning, to find diehard Hillary supporters. Dracula abruptly makes an exit on broaching Clinton corruption. "You vote for who you want, I'll vote for who I want. Doesn't matter what you say!" Surprisingly touchy he stalks to the edge of street. I'm not surprised.

The ones who remain admit freely they are voting Green Party. They are blatantly honest about their candidate winning. "Then why bother?" My interest is peaked. "Change." Their belief is in finally putting a real third party on the map. One free of the Democrat-Republican bullshit. "That chance ended with Ralph Nader" is my best attempt to explain I see scant hope of a revolution the globalists will never allow. 

A young man speaks up from the fringe of our smoky group. "I'm voting Libertarian." He's not a liberal. The Libertarian party is different but the alcohol makes for little explanation and he wanders off in search of a better topic. 

The rest slowly drift away until a James Dean clone remains with a man in a hideous fur coat. "You're not from around here." His voice is much softer as though we are the only two still speaking. I haven't lived in the city since graduating from college. These bars are not the places I can be found. He knows the lake I live on. The same eccentric millionaire with a passion for hoarding who receives a cold glance from the surrounding neighborhood. Both of us don't see the problem with a man resembling Santa Clause who turned his back on the business world. "We're different. The two of us. We see it differently." He's brutally honest of his shame to admit he doesn't share his friend's views. Whether this means he supports Trump or refuses to vote completely never emerges. Touchy Dracula returns to forcefully explain they are leaving.

I take their cue to return to the dim bar scene where my friends await. They too are voting Green Party. Amidst their strongly Democratic neighborhood they remain proud voters for a party which will never win. Their vote never wavers. Every year it's always for a party which stands alone from the ones sharply dividing this country's future. Only this election year they are being joined by more than a simple few. I suddenly am seeing signs everywhere this election is different. Millennials don't live by diehard loyalties to a party. Why should they? Neither represents the change they see as imperative for a new future. 

Their fervor gives me a glimpse of hope into America's future. This new generation lacks the diehard party stance. For years people have defined themselves by years of being Democrats or Republicans. They are so static in loyalty it blinds them to their candidate's faults. This is what makes me disagree with the James Dean clone. We are not 'different.' All of us feel a drastic change is the only route to saving this country. The old generation of voters and the media (especially the media!) would be smart to recognize fear over a specific political party in the White House is an outdated tool. Candidates are being judged on themselves, sans party. If they are not enough the millennials will choose another route.

Monday, October 24, 2016

British Press Stupidly Dumbfounded at Response to 'Unaccompanied Minor' Appearance

Britain's newest unaccompanied minors from the Calais
Jungle arrived with towels over faces to 'protect' their identity. Measures taken only after the initial unaccompanied minors were met with disbelief by their readers. Damage control articles scolded readers 'these are those most vulnerable' 'their appearance is only a byproduct of war or background' 'Ignore the obvious signs of adulthood!.' No medical checks necessary as the department continues to go off vague requirements relying heavily on a minor's declaration of age sans proof.

Each new blunder by the Home Office on the insistence to not bother with medical checks digs the press into a futher hole. For months they fed images of sweet toddlers holding dirty blankies, mothers clutching innocent babies, and families broken-hearted in the midst of deplorable refugee camps. These were the vulnerable ones they cried! How can a people be so selfish as to close their borders to those most desperately in need of help?! Shame on any who refuse to open a home to them! 

The heartbreaking images were a complete mockery when fourteen teenagers and young men stepped off a bus fresh from the Calais Jungle into the arms of a waiting crowd. How ironic to see those most vulnerable contained no teary toddlers, no young mothers with sweet babes, and lacked a single girl. Girls, the sex most vulnerable in the Calais camp, the ones most at risk of sexual assault in an environment predominantly of men from cultures whose views on women vary greatly. Are there no vulnerable unaccompanied girls in Calais? Are There no pregnant woman in Calais in dire need of adequate prenatal care? Has the press not been spending months using their images to evoke a movement to open British borders to them? 

Every press member who did their best to hide the blatant fact most 'refugees' are young men deserve the public's ire. The carefully crafted story unraveled before the public on the day those unaccompanied minors arrived. Scolding the public for their disgust at finding the vast majority refugees to not be the innocent mothers and children they toted is dumbfounding. The press has only one option to save what fragile trust the public holds in their words. Admit the farce they have been perpetuating since the refugee crisis began. Kindly remove their cranium from up their posterior. Finally stop pissing on the public with half-truths and return to their purpose: telling the facts without the BS.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Refugees Welcome Everywhere Except With the Wealthy of Lake Como

In the words of Come Fly With Me's, Ian Foot,"keep 'em out"
is the new welcome theme for the residents of Lake Como. Residents who include George Clooney have berated the regular folk on their reluctance to open communities where the native people are themselves struggling.  Communities which have been villianized for wanting to keep refugees from overrunning their towns. Now the same refugees have been turned away from Swiss borders for illegal entry to flood the celebrity paradise of Lake Como.

The wealthy of Lake Como have vacation homes which overflow with empty rooms. Thirty for George Clooney with seventy alone for Donatella Versace. While hundreds of towns have single homes already full with residents, they are pressed to provide space where none exists. Surely these 'generously outspoken' celebrities are giving rides on their private yachts and opening at least one of their mansions to give refugees a temporary home while they wait on asylum applications. Those who are should feel free to come forward as an example to the common folk. Instead they cry over the presence of the refugees they urged Europe to openly welcome.

"Not in our town!" "They will be disasters for tourists!" Refugees sleeping under bridges and in their train stations are a blot on the space known for pandering to presidents, royalty, and film stars. Refugee camp visits and stern lectures surrounded by body guards are wonderful for the cause so long as one can take a first class even private jet back to the safety of their mansions.The true test of their care over human strife is not how much money can safely be given to keep those same people in someone else's backyard. Money means little when a person lies shivering in a gutter while those do-gooders dine in splendor above them. Surely now is the time to show the world they are more than part-time caregivers. Refugees who were told are welcomed by open arms by them get the reality those words strictly apply so long as they stay well away from their personal space.

Those who believe it is only the wealthy of Lake Como spotlighting this behavior must take a wide panorama of those who push hardest for the world to open their borders. How many of these refugees are arriving in America for a comfortable stay in a Clinton mansion or the empty Chicago home of Barack Obama? Those with the loudest voices who have an excess of empty rooms should be the greatest example of an open heart not just an open wallet. They announced there is room for all so it's about time they offer up one of those empty rooms for a refugee in need of it. Until the world starts to see their example hypocrites should keep the age-old saying: silence is golden.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

US News Women Vs Trump Ignores Female Voter's Right to Choose

US News released the article Women vs. Trump in a vagina
crusade for Hillary Clinton. The author makes use of the 'shame on a woman' for not supporting her own kind. The XX chromosome has become Clinton's defining factor for the American woman voter's choice. Donald Trump's clear appreciation for a good-looking woman makes him a monster thereby overruling a woman's intellectual decision to choose the next president.

Hillary Clinton's crusade for women led to the infamous campaign woman's card. The card which features a bathroom style depiction of a woman on a pretty pink background congratulating women for donating to the Clinton campaign. The funds, which go to Clinton, not women's support groups in dire need of donations, is another sad example of how gender skewed this election has become.  

Trump has made sexist comments on woman. He is no angel when it comes to speaking his mind. He is also not being investigated by the FBI. His emails do not reveal a long line of corruption leading back to the Clinton Foundation's shady past of taking money from countries who stifle women's rights. Unfair pay for women is prominent in the Clinton foundation. Male executives make more than 30% to their gender counterparts. Women vs Trump mentions none of these facts. The sole purpose is depicting Donald Trump as a pig making Hillary Clinton the women savior.

The author's words are a slap in the face to women who have spent hours researching Hillary Clinton. Not because she is a woman. She is a presidential candidate which has absolutely NOTHING to do with a person's gender. Whether a candidate is a woman plays no role in their abilities to manage America's future. Ironically the one who most seems the need to discuss the subject is Hillary Clinton herself. For the record any being who spends 600 dollars on a haircut needs a reality check. Of course people are going talk about it. The average American has a thousand better ways to use the funds. If Bernie Sanders were getting $600 dollar hair cuts it would be a hot Twitter topic. Not for his gender but his lack of decency about openly spending on such a frivoulous item when thousands are struggling to make ends meet.

Americans deserve the acknowledgement their sex is beholden to no candidate. If this election were a gender war then Hillary Clinton would have the female votes while the male voters would be restricted to XY candidates only. Males have every right to make a vote based not on sex. Yet women are being boxed into a bizarre shaming of candidate choice. If equal rights for both sexes exist in this country then men should have the courtesy to pen the same type of article without ridicule. Instead they would get decimated for being a sexist who chose based upon gender. Females are above this and it frankly reeks. Stop making the election a chromosomal war. Report on a candidate's qualifications and leave biological sex at the door. 

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Forget Goldman Sachs Speeches Hillary Clinton Looks Into Trump´s Tax Returns

Hillary Clinton promised months ago to ¨look into¨ releasing
the transcripts of her Goldman Sachs speeches. The speeches have been at the center of a debate over her shady relationship with the Wall Street financial sector. Few voters can deny money speaks more than words. Clinton´s campaign knows this. They have a history of delaying answers until the American public no longer takes notice.

The Clintons are masters at avoidace techniques and with Bernie Sanders front and center they struggled to find an adequate answer. If the Republicans had battled for a nominee longer Clinton might have been forced to do serious damage control. Donald Trump´s surprising win has been a blessing to the Clinton avoidance club. Her campaign is doing what it does best. Creating a boogeyman with dark secrets to hide the cesspool in their own background.

Donald Trump´s refusal to release his tax returns is being scandalized. Clinton casting herself as the conquering hero intent on rooting out the truth of their existence. Her hope is by expending all their energy into ´looking into´ Donald Trump the American people will blindly follow. The technique worked with her private email server. By dragging out the time period for handing over the information many Americans became sick of the story. The details overlooked in favor of more recent scandals. 

Irony lies in how much time she has had to ´look into´ her own business but miraculously avoids it by grasping at Trump´s political straws. The American people will not find a reminder of her speeches in the media. They continue to gloss over what Goldman Sachs employees present at the speeches call more of a congratulations on jobs well done than harsh scolding. Who cares if the wealthier will be getting wealthier off an already struggling American public. Trump´s tax returns are the greater evil! 

If Americans fall into such a petty trap then the future is a terrifying one. The media will continue to ignore what questions need to be asked. Candidates will win via celebrity scandals more than comparison of their political platforms. Part of those political platforms are a candidate´s proof they act for the country, not their personal financial gains. If Hillary Clinton is to be believed as not being Wall Street´s puppet then Americans need a reason to believe it. Release the speeches Hillary Clinton or own up to where your true loyalities lie.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

FBI Corrects Hillary Clinton: This is an Investigation Not Security Inquiry

Hillary Clinton´s campaign has toted the FBI´s
continuing investigation as little more than a pesky security inquiry. Campaign supporters wove the idea into the tangled explanation for what should have been a disqualification for their presidential nominee. Security inquiries sound as innocent as kindly asking the sweet old lady how well-protected her house is against a break-in.

Yesterday FBI director, James Comey, dismissed Hillary Clinton´s delicate ´security inquiry´ description. Speaking on Hillary Clinton´s referral of the FBI´s work as a security inquiry Comey had this to say:

“I don’t know what that {term security inquiry}  means," "We’re conducting an investigation. That’s the bureau’s business. That’s what we do."

One reporter clearly missed the word investigation repeating Clinton´s reference to a ´security inquiry´ to Comey. His response could not have been any clearer for the lone reporter. 

The word "investigation" -- "it’s in our name,” “And I’m not familiar with the term ‘security inquiry.’”

 Finally the truth spelled out for the world. Hillary Clinton is under an FBI investigation. Not a security review or inquiry. The potential presidential nominee is under official FBI investigation and the American media is more concerned over Comey questioning Clinton´s description of the situation then its´ severity.  

FBI investigations once spelled instant doom for a candidate´s qualifications as president of the United States.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation does not involve itself in simple legal matters. To spend millions on Hillary Clinton´s case speaks volumes about how concerned the American people should be. The media once investigated FBI matters with respect given to their judgement. Today papers care more about Hillary Clinton´s side where the FBI´s work is a mere question of their wording against hers.

Clinton supporters should be the most adamant for a media to be honest about their candidate. If she is completely honest then the FBI should be spelling out the proof. Instead they continue to swear the FBI investigation is just a disguise for right-wing Republican conspiracy. Never mind the FBI director was nominated for the position by President Obama himself. Presidential decisions become irrelevant when the letter R follows Comey´s name. If political affiliation continues to battle a person´s qualifications the FBI are in danger of permanently losing the respect of the American people. Their actions will tell the American people who holds the real power in this election.