US News released the article Women vs. Trump in a vagina
crusade for Hillary Clinton. The author makes use of the 'shame on a woman' for not supporting her own kind. The XX chromosome has become Clinton's defining factor for the American woman voter's choice. Donald Trump's clear appreciation for a good-looking woman makes him a monster thereby overruling a woman's intellectual decision to choose the next president.
Hillary Clinton's crusade for women led to the infamous campaign woman's card. The card which features a bathroom style depiction of a woman on a pretty pink background congratulating women for donating to the Clinton campaign. The funds, which go to Clinton, not women's support groups in dire need of donations, is another sad example of how gender skewed this election has become.
Trump has made sexist comments on woman. He is no angel when it comes to speaking his mind. He is also not being investigated by the FBI. His emails do not reveal a long line of corruption leading back to the Clinton Foundation's shady past of taking money from countries who stifle women's rights. Unfair pay for women is prominent in the Clinton foundation. Male executives make more than 30% to their gender counterparts. Women vs Trump mentions none of these facts. The sole purpose is depicting Donald Trump as a pig making Hillary Clinton the women savior.
The author's words are a slap in the face to women who have spent hours researching Hillary Clinton. Not because she is a woman. She is a presidential candidate which has absolutely NOTHING to do with a person's gender. Whether a candidate is a woman plays no role in their abilities to manage America's future. Ironically the one who most seems the need to discuss the subject is Hillary Clinton herself. For the record any being who spends 600 dollars on a haircut needs a reality check. Of course people are going talk about it. The average American has a thousand better ways to use the funds. If Bernie Sanders were getting $600 dollar hair cuts it would be a hot Twitter topic. Not for his gender but his lack of decency about openly spending on such a frivoulous item when thousands are struggling to make ends meet.
Americans deserve the acknowledgement their sex is beholden to no candidate. If this election were a gender war then Hillary Clinton would have the female votes while the male voters would be restricted to XY candidates only. Males have every right to make a vote based not on sex. Yet women are being boxed into a bizarre shaming of candidate choice. If equal rights for both sexes exist in this country then men should have the courtesy to pen the same type of article without ridicule. Instead they would get decimated for being a sexist who chose based upon gender. Females are above this and it frankly reeks. Stop making the election a chromosomal war. Report on a candidate's qualifications and leave biological sex at the door.
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