Hillary Clinton´s woman card has netted her a tidy
profit of $2.4 million. Instead of donating the money to causes for women it will go towards funding a campaign which has forgotten how intelligent women are. From the disastrous comments of Gloria Steinem to Maragret Thatcher´s own political gaffe the Clinton campaign is a mess of women contradictions.
The Clinton campaign has brutally toted the idea Hillary is THE answer to women garnering the respect they deserve. The idea of a woman with historically unheard of untrustworthy polling numbers being the one to ´save´ us is hilarious. Women do deserve their turn in the White House. One day it will happen but the day Hillary Clinton takes her Oval Office throne will not be it. What will our children think when they are old enough to ask the question: what did Hillary Clinton do to deserve this honor?
She is under investigation by the FBI. Her supporters will claim conspiracy and ´security review´ but the FBI itself called it an investigation. Her emails reveal a women rife with political scandals which have been a disaster for all Americans, not just the women. Read her own words not the main stream media spin or yesterday´s speeches before crying ´it´s an attack on all women.´ Do not make the mistake of believing women are incapable of seeing the truth. Our children will be raised in a world where gender does not overrule the ability for a president to make good choices. Gender should not define a voter´s decision to choose who is poised to take this country to a stronger place.
Hillary Clinton´s own political slogan is a pander towards women claiming ´I´m with Her.´ Why is it not ´I´m with the person most capable to lead this country. Where are the words which speak to the American people? ´I´m with her´ sounds more like a child´s t-shirt slogan. ´I´m with her,´ the lady over there is my mother. ´I´m with her´ could even be an excellent shirt for my puppy. He belongs to me therefore ´I´m with her.´ A world where voter´s follow a slogan implying they need to point out who they are with is a sad one. If Hillary Clinton hopes to win over America´s vote she should start with analyzing her own view of them. No voter needs a card reminding them of their own sex. The next time I spot one I will be asking ´when was the last time you used the funds for that card to support a women´s cause, not just Hillary Clinton´s?´
Great post! Hillary Clinton just makes me sick!