US News released the article Women vs. Trump in a vagina
crusade for Hillary Clinton. The author makes use of the 'shame on a woman' for not supporting her own kind. The XX chromosome has become Clinton's defining factor for the American woman voter's choice. Donald Trump's clear appreciation for a good-looking woman makes him a monster thereby overruling a woman's intellectual decision to choose the next president.
Hillary Clinton's crusade for women led to the infamous campaign woman's card. The card which features a bathroom style depiction of a woman on a pretty pink background congratulating women for donating to the Clinton campaign. The funds, which go to Clinton, not women's support groups in dire need of donations, is another sad example of how gender skewed this election has become.
Trump has made sexist comments on woman. He is no angel when it comes to speaking his mind. He is also not being investigated by the FBI. His emails do not reveal a long line of corruption leading back to the Clinton Foundation's shady past of taking money from countries who stifle women's rights. Unfair pay for women is prominent in the Clinton foundation. Male executives make more than 30% to their gender counterparts. Women vs Trump mentions none of these facts. The sole purpose is depicting Donald Trump as a pig making Hillary Clinton the women savior.
The author's words are a slap in the face to women who have spent hours researching Hillary Clinton. Not because she is a woman. She is a presidential candidate which has absolutely NOTHING to do with a person's gender. Whether a candidate is a woman plays no role in their abilities to manage America's future. Ironically the one who most seems the need to discuss the subject is Hillary Clinton herself. For the record any being who spends 600 dollars on a haircut needs a reality check. Of course people are going talk about it. The average American has a thousand better ways to use the funds. If Bernie Sanders were getting $600 dollar hair cuts it would be a hot Twitter topic. Not for his gender but his lack of decency about openly spending on such a frivoulous item when thousands are struggling to make ends meet.
Americans deserve the acknowledgement their sex is beholden to no candidate. If this election were a gender war then Hillary Clinton would have the female votes while the male voters would be restricted to XY candidates only. Males have every right to make a vote based not on sex. Yet women are being boxed into a bizarre shaming of candidate choice. If equal rights for both sexes exist in this country then men should have the courtesy to pen the same type of article without ridicule. Instead they would get decimated for being a sexist who chose based upon gender. Females are above this and it frankly reeks. Stop making the election a chromosomal war. Report on a candidate's qualifications and leave biological sex at the door.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Forget Goldman Sachs Speeches Hillary Clinton Looks Into Trump´s Tax Returns
Hillary Clinton promised months ago to ¨look into¨ releasing
the transcripts of her Goldman Sachs speeches. The speeches have been at the center of a debate over her shady relationship with the Wall Street financial sector. Few voters can deny money speaks more than words. Clinton´s campaign knows this. They have a history of delaying answers until the American public no longer takes notice.
The Clintons are masters at avoidace techniques and with Bernie Sanders front and center they struggled to find an adequate answer. If the Republicans had battled for a nominee longer Clinton might have been forced to do serious damage control. Donald Trump´s surprising win has been a blessing to the Clinton avoidance club. Her campaign is doing what it does best. Creating a boogeyman with dark secrets to hide the cesspool in their own background.
Donald Trump´s refusal to release his tax returns is being scandalized. Clinton casting herself as the conquering hero intent on rooting out the truth of their existence. Her hope is by expending all their energy into ´looking into´ Donald Trump the American people will blindly follow. The technique worked with her private email server. By dragging out the time period for handing over the information many Americans became sick of the story. The details overlooked in favor of more recent scandals.
Irony lies in how much time she has had to ´look into´ her own business but miraculously avoids it by grasping at Trump´s political straws. The American people will not find a reminder of her speeches in the media. They continue to gloss over what Goldman Sachs employees present at the speeches call more of a congratulations on jobs well done than harsh scolding. Who cares if the wealthier will be getting wealthier off an already struggling American public. Trump´s tax returns are the greater evil!
If Americans fall into such a petty trap then the future is a terrifying one. The media will continue to ignore what questions need to be asked. Candidates will win via celebrity scandals more than comparison of their political platforms. Part of those political platforms are a candidate´s proof they act for the country, not their personal financial gains. If Hillary Clinton is to be believed as not being Wall Street´s puppet then Americans need a reason to believe it. Release the speeches Hillary Clinton or own up to where your true loyalities lie.
the transcripts of her Goldman Sachs speeches. The speeches have been at the center of a debate over her shady relationship with the Wall Street financial sector. Few voters can deny money speaks more than words. Clinton´s campaign knows this. They have a history of delaying answers until the American public no longer takes notice.
The Clintons are masters at avoidace techniques and with Bernie Sanders front and center they struggled to find an adequate answer. If the Republicans had battled for a nominee longer Clinton might have been forced to do serious damage control. Donald Trump´s surprising win has been a blessing to the Clinton avoidance club. Her campaign is doing what it does best. Creating a boogeyman with dark secrets to hide the cesspool in their own background.
Donald Trump´s refusal to release his tax returns is being scandalized. Clinton casting herself as the conquering hero intent on rooting out the truth of their existence. Her hope is by expending all their energy into ´looking into´ Donald Trump the American people will blindly follow. The technique worked with her private email server. By dragging out the time period for handing over the information many Americans became sick of the story. The details overlooked in favor of more recent scandals.
Irony lies in how much time she has had to ´look into´ her own business but miraculously avoids it by grasping at Trump´s political straws. The American people will not find a reminder of her speeches in the media. They continue to gloss over what Goldman Sachs employees present at the speeches call more of a congratulations on jobs well done than harsh scolding. Who cares if the wealthier will be getting wealthier off an already struggling American public. Trump´s tax returns are the greater evil!
If Americans fall into such a petty trap then the future is a terrifying one. The media will continue to ignore what questions need to be asked. Candidates will win via celebrity scandals more than comparison of their political platforms. Part of those political platforms are a candidate´s proof they act for the country, not their personal financial gains. If Hillary Clinton is to be believed as not being Wall Street´s puppet then Americans need a reason to believe it. Release the speeches Hillary Clinton or own up to where your true loyalities lie.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
FBI Corrects Hillary Clinton: This is an Investigation Not Security Inquiry
Hillary Clinton´s campaign has toted the FBI´s
continuing investigation as little more than a pesky security inquiry. Campaign supporters wove the idea into the tangled explanation for what should have been a disqualification for their presidential nominee. Security inquiries sound as innocent as kindly asking the sweet old lady how well-protected her house is against a break-in.
Yesterday FBI director, James Comey, dismissed Hillary Clinton´s delicate ´security inquiry´ description. Speaking on Hillary Clinton´s referral of the FBI´s work as a security inquiry Comey had this to say:
“I don’t know what that {term security inquiry} means," "We’re conducting an investigation. That’s the bureau’s business. That’s what we do."
One reporter clearly missed the word investigation repeating Clinton´s reference to a ´security inquiry´ to Comey. His response could not have been any clearer for the lone reporter.
The word "investigation" -- "it’s in our name,” “And I’m not familiar with the term ‘security inquiry.’”
Finally the truth spelled out for the world. Hillary Clinton is under an FBI investigation. Not a security review or inquiry. The potential presidential nominee is under official FBI investigation and the American media is more concerned over Comey questioning Clinton´s description of the situation then its´ severity.
FBI investigations once spelled instant doom for a candidate´s qualifications as president of the United States. The Federal Bureau of Investigation does not involve itself in simple legal matters. To spend millions on Hillary Clinton´s case speaks volumes about how concerned the American people should be. The media once investigated FBI matters with respect given to their judgement. Today papers care more about Hillary Clinton´s side where the FBI´s work is a mere question of their wording against hers.
Clinton supporters should be the most adamant for a media to be honest about their candidate. If she is completely honest then the FBI should be spelling out the proof. Instead they continue to swear the FBI investigation is just a disguise for right-wing Republican conspiracy. Never mind the FBI director was nominated for the position by President Obama himself. Presidential decisions become irrelevant when the letter R follows Comey´s name. If political affiliation continues to battle a person´s qualifications the FBI are in danger of permanently losing the respect of the American people. Their actions will tell the American people who holds the real power in this election.
continuing investigation as little more than a pesky security inquiry. Campaign supporters wove the idea into the tangled explanation for what should have been a disqualification for their presidential nominee. Security inquiries sound as innocent as kindly asking the sweet old lady how well-protected her house is against a break-in.
Yesterday FBI director, James Comey, dismissed Hillary Clinton´s delicate ´security inquiry´ description. Speaking on Hillary Clinton´s referral of the FBI´s work as a security inquiry Comey had this to say:
“I don’t know what that {term security inquiry} means," "We’re conducting an investigation. That’s the bureau’s business. That’s what we do."
One reporter clearly missed the word investigation repeating Clinton´s reference to a ´security inquiry´ to Comey. His response could not have been any clearer for the lone reporter.
The word "investigation" -- "it’s in our name,” “And I’m not familiar with the term ‘security inquiry.’”
Finally the truth spelled out for the world. Hillary Clinton is under an FBI investigation. Not a security review or inquiry. The potential presidential nominee is under official FBI investigation and the American media is more concerned over Comey questioning Clinton´s description of the situation then its´ severity.
FBI investigations once spelled instant doom for a candidate´s qualifications as president of the United States. The Federal Bureau of Investigation does not involve itself in simple legal matters. To spend millions on Hillary Clinton´s case speaks volumes about how concerned the American people should be. The media once investigated FBI matters with respect given to their judgement. Today papers care more about Hillary Clinton´s side where the FBI´s work is a mere question of their wording against hers.
Clinton supporters should be the most adamant for a media to be honest about their candidate. If she is completely honest then the FBI should be spelling out the proof. Instead they continue to swear the FBI investigation is just a disguise for right-wing Republican conspiracy. Never mind the FBI director was nominated for the position by President Obama himself. Presidential decisions become irrelevant when the letter R follows Comey´s name. If political affiliation continues to battle a person´s qualifications the FBI are in danger of permanently losing the respect of the American people. Their actions will tell the American people who holds the real power in this election.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Prioritizing Gender Education Over Biological Sex Education Dangerous for Transgender Health Care
The battle over Trans versus Cis gender rights to freely use bathrooms and locker rooms highlights the
dangerous future in health care for transgender. Gender is being toted as more important than the sex individuals are born with. The concept of modern gender is fluid. Men no longer need identify as men. Women no longer are required to identify as women. The importance in choosing a gender is an individual´s choice which society allows them to freely make. Whether bathroom bills should or should not exist is not the point of this article.
The importance of an individual´s biological sex must be equalized with their gender identity. This is not saying those born with penises or vaginas must be labeled male or female. Instead it is sounding the alarm of ´pretending´ biological sex makes no difference in healthcare needs. The reality is few research is available to help doctors make sensitive issues into very real health concerns. Those who identify as the opposite sex but do not transition must be fully aware there identification does not eliminate the need for proper doctors. Identifying men with female sex organs should still see a gynecologist to monitor for conditions like ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine hemorrhaging. The same applies to a man identifying as a woman with male biological sex organs. The risk of prostate cancer still exists.
Transgender healthcare sorely lacks longterm detailed research in hormone therapy treatments. Estrogen and Tetosterone are not play pills. The bodies relationship with both hormones is immensely complex. Throw one slightly off imbalance and health conditions can spring up in even the fittest individual. Now combine this in children who are meant to enter puberty when hormones go slightly ´insane.´The transgender children of today who use hormone therapies to stall the body´s natural transistion should have all potential risks explained to them. They are essentially agreeing to be the human trials most studies require years of research approval to try. There have been no animal trials to hint if there bodies will face deadly health complications down the line. The idea of allowing a child to undergo treatments which have no proven research down the line, which could lead to serious even deadly health complications, violates the promise to do no harm to a patient.
Focusing equally on the healthcare needs of biological sex does not diminish an individual´s importance to gender identification. This opens the pathway to greater discussion on how transgender plays into a healthy community. Transgender individuals who do transistion are most in need of this discussion. They face the uncertainty of how changing the outward biological sex will play into legitimate concerns of what risks still apply to inside biological sex organs. Most concerning is fully transgendered fears over visiting a doctor only to face discrimination instead of care. Research has shown many opt to avoid doctors rather then take the risk. Little good is there for a transgender member to feel comfortable in the woman´s bathroom when poorly educated doctors don´t treat their medical needs. Without media focus on health care the transgender community faces a difficult future.
dangerous future in health care for transgender. Gender is being toted as more important than the sex individuals are born with. The concept of modern gender is fluid. Men no longer need identify as men. Women no longer are required to identify as women. The importance in choosing a gender is an individual´s choice which society allows them to freely make. Whether bathroom bills should or should not exist is not the point of this article.
The importance of an individual´s biological sex must be equalized with their gender identity. This is not saying those born with penises or vaginas must be labeled male or female. Instead it is sounding the alarm of ´pretending´ biological sex makes no difference in healthcare needs. The reality is few research is available to help doctors make sensitive issues into very real health concerns. Those who identify as the opposite sex but do not transition must be fully aware there identification does not eliminate the need for proper doctors. Identifying men with female sex organs should still see a gynecologist to monitor for conditions like ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine hemorrhaging. The same applies to a man identifying as a woman with male biological sex organs. The risk of prostate cancer still exists.
Transgender healthcare sorely lacks longterm detailed research in hormone therapy treatments. Estrogen and Tetosterone are not play pills. The bodies relationship with both hormones is immensely complex. Throw one slightly off imbalance and health conditions can spring up in even the fittest individual. Now combine this in children who are meant to enter puberty when hormones go slightly ´insane.´The transgender children of today who use hormone therapies to stall the body´s natural transistion should have all potential risks explained to them. They are essentially agreeing to be the human trials most studies require years of research approval to try. There have been no animal trials to hint if there bodies will face deadly health complications down the line. The idea of allowing a child to undergo treatments which have no proven research down the line, which could lead to serious even deadly health complications, violates the promise to do no harm to a patient.
Focusing equally on the healthcare needs of biological sex does not diminish an individual´s importance to gender identification. This opens the pathway to greater discussion on how transgender plays into a healthy community. Transgender individuals who do transistion are most in need of this discussion. They face the uncertainty of how changing the outward biological sex will play into legitimate concerns of what risks still apply to inside biological sex organs. Most concerning is fully transgendered fears over visiting a doctor only to face discrimination instead of care. Research has shown many opt to avoid doctors rather then take the risk. Little good is there for a transgender member to feel comfortable in the woman´s bathroom when poorly educated doctors don´t treat their medical needs. Without media focus on health care the transgender community faces a difficult future.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
The Gun Free Zone Safety Net has a Gaping Hole in It

The Gun Free Zone Act was signed into law in 1990. The idea is a safety net protecting Americans from deadly shooting sprees. In a utopian society the idea would work flawlessly. Citizens would never lie. Little signs would turn back the Virginia Tech shooter from murdering innocent students. Columbine would never have happened.
Reality proves gun free zones have done nothing for school shootings. Killers are not deterred by ´that´s illegal´ threats. History shows a pattern of violence being greatest in ´soft target´ area. The gun free zone is a neon sign there is no opposition to fear. Police stations and gun shows rarely find themselves assaulted by gun shootings because they provide an actual threat a shooter will be stopped before achieving their goal.
Critics insisting the Gun Free Zone, while not able to stop shooters, still provides protection from regular gun carriers are naive. The former high school I attended had its first shooting experience at a basketball game held in their gym. One parent, unauthorized with no legal carry allowance, pulled a gun on another over family matters. The Gun Free Zone was clearly marked. The perpetrator was carrying illegally with complete disregard of the ´safety net.´ He fired several shots at the person whom the disagreement was with before being subdued. The Gun Free Zone did nothing to prevent this. Would another parent legally carrying a gun have helped the situation before it escalated? Perhaps. Perhaps it would have backfired leading to serious injuries.
The greater question asks ´why do we insist on gun-free zones when they are proven not to be effective?´ Do the American people need a sign pointing to places where dutiful citizens are going to be helpless to defend themselves? If Gun Free Zones are little more than guns with an x marked through them should Americans feel safe? Let´s hope not.
Monday, May 9, 2016
American Media Gives Hillary Clinton Free Pass on Policy
America´s news coverage of Hillary Clinton is about as
useful as celebrity gossip magazines. Questions on foreign policy plans for America´s role in the Libyan disaster have been replaced with opinion pieces on Clinton´s imminent win over Donald Trump. Bo Copley´s legitimate concern over the future of coal mining flashed by with ludicrous speed. American soldiers are dying in foreign wars without a tweet to mourn their passing. Clinton is being asked about her defense against Donald Trump´s attacks on her husband´s infidelity. American media is asking all the wrong questions and its´ citizens will pay the price.
Clinton´s continual focus on gun control is a heinous example of this. Clinton´s campaign exploits of gun victims in the media blasts America´s right to bear arms. Executive orders by Clinton will begin placing further restrictions on who is able to legally purchase a gun. These are irrelevant when guns are easily smuggled over the border from Mexico. Clinton´s belief in strangleholds on legitimate buyers are not going to be followed by illegal sellers. Heroin is illegal to purchase in the United States yet the law has never hindered users from finding the means to procure it nor will laws stop illegal gun purchases. Reporters should be asking how Clinton intends to tightly secure the border against all contraband before she begins a mistaken crusade to penalize law-abiding legal gun owners.
Finally, if the American media will not ask the most important question then I beg the global media to do it: Hillary Clinton what is your EXACT plan on America´s future role in global affairs? No BS on ´we will do our best´ or ´work with our allies.´ The Clinton Foundation´s shady past of convenient donations followed by favors from Clinton´s stint as secretary of state has cost thousands of lives. How can global citizens, NOT government leaders, believe America has enough decency to do what is right in this world.
Why does your nation keep meddling in foreign affairs when the beneficiary is clearly not the people? The world is not talking about the Iraq war under Bush but the Libyan debacle under your tenure as Secretary of State. No sane individual believes the split decision where the most important guidance came from the lips of the SOS did not sway the president´s decision. What benefit was the coup in Honduras which the media tiptoed around leaving Americans in the dark about their role? Obama quakes under Putin´s glare while relations sour before being saved. Why should America be trusted to a 3rd term of an administration which has done so much global destruction?
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Good-bye Felons. Hello ´Person Who Committed a Crime´ as Your Newest Coworker
The Office of Justice program has unleashed the politically correct ´less disparaging label´ for convicts
and felons on the American people. Felons and convicts are now to be labeled as ´person who committed a crime´ and ´individual who was incarcerated.´ The idea is to ¨remove barriers¨ for those leaving prison to reintegrate into society. President Obama announced a plans which would require federal agencies to do their part employing background checks only at the final phase of hiring. Executive presidential orders from Hillary Clinton would ensure the new regulations are standard in American society.
The thought is interesting. The reality is terrifying. Convicts and felons do deserve a second chance at becoming successful members of law-abiding communties. Glossing over their crimes is not the way to accomplish it. The regulations umbrella does not differentiate between crimes committed. Money laundering is a crime. Murder is a crime. Shoplifting is a crime. Rape is a crime. Employers face the agonizing choice of taking the gamble on what crime their future employee committed.
American parents cringe at the placement of convicted child molesters allowed housing in their neighborhood.The thought of a person convicted of multiple accounts of money laundering in the financial department of their local banks should make them wary of where to place their savings. Persons with repeated jail time over dealing prescription pain killers are a dangerous wager for work in the store pharmacy. With employers only hint being ´committed a crime´ and ´individual who was incarcerated´ puts their livelihood at risk. There is little forgiveness if the media uncovers a rape at the local high school was the school´s error for hiring a person who served time for multiple rape accounts.
The lasting result of one mishire leading to a crime makes it more difficult for businesses to take a risk on choosing a candidate ´who committed a crime´ over the less experienced crime free applicant. Wariness over an unknown will hurt those who have reformed chances at integrating into society. Offer a second chance but do so without risking the trust of law-abiding Americans. The Office of Justice would be wise to consider this before making another politically correct decision.
and felons on the American people. Felons and convicts are now to be labeled as ´person who committed a crime´ and ´individual who was incarcerated.´ The idea is to ¨remove barriers¨ for those leaving prison to reintegrate into society. President Obama announced a plans which would require federal agencies to do their part employing background checks only at the final phase of hiring. Executive presidential orders from Hillary Clinton would ensure the new regulations are standard in American society.
The thought is interesting. The reality is terrifying. Convicts and felons do deserve a second chance at becoming successful members of law-abiding communties. Glossing over their crimes is not the way to accomplish it. The regulations umbrella does not differentiate between crimes committed. Money laundering is a crime. Murder is a crime. Shoplifting is a crime. Rape is a crime. Employers face the agonizing choice of taking the gamble on what crime their future employee committed.
American parents cringe at the placement of convicted child molesters allowed housing in their neighborhood.The thought of a person convicted of multiple accounts of money laundering in the financial department of their local banks should make them wary of where to place their savings. Persons with repeated jail time over dealing prescription pain killers are a dangerous wager for work in the store pharmacy. With employers only hint being ´committed a crime´ and ´individual who was incarcerated´ puts their livelihood at risk. There is little forgiveness if the media uncovers a rape at the local high school was the school´s error for hiring a person who served time for multiple rape accounts.
The lasting result of one mishire leading to a crime makes it more difficult for businesses to take a risk on choosing a candidate ´who committed a crime´ over the less experienced crime free applicant. Wariness over an unknown will hurt those who have reformed chances at integrating into society. Offer a second chance but do so without risking the trust of law-abiding Americans. The Office of Justice would be wise to consider this before making another politically correct decision.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Hillary Clinton´s Woman Card is Sadder than Her Campaign Slogan
Hillary Clinton´s woman card has netted her a tidy
profit of $2.4 million. Instead of donating the money to causes for women it will go towards funding a campaign which has forgotten how intelligent women are. From the disastrous comments of Gloria Steinem to Maragret Thatcher´s own political gaffe the Clinton campaign is a mess of women contradictions.
The Clinton campaign has brutally toted the idea Hillary is THE answer to women garnering the respect they deserve. The idea of a woman with historically unheard of untrustworthy polling numbers being the one to ´save´ us is hilarious. Women do deserve their turn in the White House. One day it will happen but the day Hillary Clinton takes her Oval Office throne will not be it. What will our children think when they are old enough to ask the question: what did Hillary Clinton do to deserve this honor?
She is under investigation by the FBI. Her supporters will claim conspiracy and ´security review´ but the FBI itself called it an investigation. Her emails reveal a women rife with political scandals which have been a disaster for all Americans, not just the women. Read her own words not the main stream media spin or yesterday´s speeches before crying ´it´s an attack on all women.´ Do not make the mistake of believing women are incapable of seeing the truth. Our children will be raised in a world where gender does not overrule the ability for a president to make good choices. Gender should not define a voter´s decision to choose who is poised to take this country to a stronger place.
Hillary Clinton´s own political slogan is a pander towards women claiming ´I´m with Her.´ Why is it not ´I´m with the person most capable to lead this country. Where are the words which speak to the American people? ´I´m with her´ sounds more like a child´s t-shirt slogan. ´I´m with her,´ the lady over there is my mother. ´I´m with her´ could even be an excellent shirt for my puppy. He belongs to me therefore ´I´m with her.´ A world where voter´s follow a slogan implying they need to point out who they are with is a sad one. If Hillary Clinton hopes to win over America´s vote she should start with analyzing her own view of them. No voter needs a card reminding them of their own sex. The next time I spot one I will be asking ´when was the last time you used the funds for that card to support a women´s cause, not just Hillary Clinton´s?´
profit of $2.4 million. Instead of donating the money to causes for women it will go towards funding a campaign which has forgotten how intelligent women are. From the disastrous comments of Gloria Steinem to Maragret Thatcher´s own political gaffe the Clinton campaign is a mess of women contradictions.
The Clinton campaign has brutally toted the idea Hillary is THE answer to women garnering the respect they deserve. The idea of a woman with historically unheard of untrustworthy polling numbers being the one to ´save´ us is hilarious. Women do deserve their turn in the White House. One day it will happen but the day Hillary Clinton takes her Oval Office throne will not be it. What will our children think when they are old enough to ask the question: what did Hillary Clinton do to deserve this honor?
She is under investigation by the FBI. Her supporters will claim conspiracy and ´security review´ but the FBI itself called it an investigation. Her emails reveal a women rife with political scandals which have been a disaster for all Americans, not just the women. Read her own words not the main stream media spin or yesterday´s speeches before crying ´it´s an attack on all women.´ Do not make the mistake of believing women are incapable of seeing the truth. Our children will be raised in a world where gender does not overrule the ability for a president to make good choices. Gender should not define a voter´s decision to choose who is poised to take this country to a stronger place.
Hillary Clinton´s own political slogan is a pander towards women claiming ´I´m with Her.´ Why is it not ´I´m with the person most capable to lead this country. Where are the words which speak to the American people? ´I´m with her´ sounds more like a child´s t-shirt slogan. ´I´m with her,´ the lady over there is my mother. ´I´m with her´ could even be an excellent shirt for my puppy. He belongs to me therefore ´I´m with her.´ A world where voter´s follow a slogan implying they need to point out who they are with is a sad one. If Hillary Clinton hopes to win over America´s vote she should start with analyzing her own view of them. No voter needs a card reminding them of their own sex. The next time I spot one I will be asking ´when was the last time you used the funds for that card to support a women´s cause, not just Hillary Clinton´s?´
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