Hillary Clinton´s campaign is unleashing its´ latest
combat scheme: Operation troll. The soft explanation for the super-pac is to set negative rumors straight, protect supporters, and give them a safe place to voice Hillary support. There are thousands of places where this already exists. No one needs to spend a dime of super pac funds to do it. What the latest super pac is about is shutting up the free speech opinions of non-paid voices.
The pathetic truth is how bland a candidate must be to pay its supporters for their enthusiasm. The idea is not new. Twitter has found thousands of Hillary followers do not exist. Facebook likes can easily be purchased. YouTube offers the opportunity to purchase ´views´ to boost a video´s popularity. No one batted an eye at funding background enthusiasm but paying trolls will turn calm commentary debates into insult battles.
Furious Trump supporters on Reddit have devoted posts calling for memes to piss off the ´ole bitch.´ Pacifist users have flooded calmer plans to deal with paid trolls. Ignore their antics. Hit the dislike button. Move on to serious political discussions over a candidate instead of personal attacks on a person´s mental capacity. Paid supporters will find a wall blocking their attempts to ´protect´ Hillary Clinton.
The true supporter will face the repercussions of a wasted million dollar attempt to win over voters. Why listen to a supporter who may just be parroting what they are being paid to say? Even worse is the respect lost when a supporter needs cuddling to speak up about their political beliefs. This is the internet. If a commenter is offensive they are within their rights to move on. No one is a martyr for staying in a rude conversation over political beliefs. Stop acting the victim. No one is respecting you for it.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Bernie Sanders is Going to Vatican City (and Here´s Why)
BBC News released the newest example of media ignorance
entitled ´US Elections: Bernie Sanders Invited to Vatican by Pope.´ Before the public´s heads start spinning with political dramatics the facts have to be examined. Chancellor Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo invited Bernie Sanders to the Vatican City State for the Centesimus Annus 25 Years later.
Freelance writer with a sense of humor and passion for politics
entitled ´US Elections: Bernie Sanders Invited to Vatican by Pope.´ Before the public´s heads start spinning with political dramatics the facts have to be examined. Chancellor Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo invited Bernie Sanders to the Vatican City State for the Centesimus Annus 25 Years later.
The Centesimus Annus is a symposium held by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. Pope John Paul II established the Potifical Academy of Social Sciences in 1994 ¨so that the Holy Father and all Vatican offices would have access to the most current social scientific research relevant to the Church’s teaching.¨ Three years prior Saint John Paul II had begun the church´s efforts to improve the content of church teaching through interactions with social scientists. The 25 Years Later Centesimus Annus symposium participants will discuss the question of how the past 25 years have changed the world´s ¨situation-economically, politically, and culturally.¨ Secondly the symposium ¨will investigate how Catholic social teaching has engaged the world in order to ask how best the Church can do so in the coming years and decades.¨
The two day event will go as follows: One participant will present their authored paper on the subject being discussed. They are followed by a respondent. All participants then discuss the information presented. Lunch, dinner, and coffee break will be provided for both days of the symposium. The full itinerary detailing the participants and papers to be discussed is in the official conference booklet on the PASS site.
Bernie Sanders is not listed to present an authored paper but The Academy´s statement of ¨generous listening to the multiplicity of “grass-roots” groups and movements around the globe¨ points to Bernie Sanders as a welcome part of the discussion. His invitation by Chancellor Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo suggests an appreciation of common ground in the issue of climate change, a topic which will be part of the Academy´s agenda. The invitation to be part of the symposium is a landmark in Sander´s grassroot campaign movement. His views have now expanded beyonded the race for Democratic nominee to an international discussion.
The offical press release from the Bernie Sanders campain:
For more information on the Centeminus Annus symposium (and the quotes) visit: http://www.pass.va/content/scienzesociali/en/events/2014-18/centesimus_annus.html
Freelance writer with a sense of humor and passion for politics
Monday, April 4, 2016
Hillary´s Campaign Needs to Up Their Game
Hillary Clinton has the best campaign managers money and
politics can buy. She should be steam-rolling Bernie Sanders into submission. The people on her team are veterans in the art of winning elections. They run campaigns capable of reducing most opposing candidates to tears of frustration. Make no mistake about it, they are intelligent men and women with a staggering amount of experience. Millenials shoud be slavishly following Hillary except they aren´t. Bernie Sanders is besting their campaign manipulations and here´s why.
1. They don´t ´comprehend´ the unheard of Bernie Sanders approach to politics. Bernie Sanders is unusual in the world of politics, he may even be an enigma. His ads do not feature Hillary Clinton and her shady background. They do not start as ´Hillary Clinton has...´ or ´Hillary Clinton would...´ so vote for me because her negativities are destroying you. Bernie Sanders ads focus on the people not the person running opposite of him. Campaign ads are not supposed to do that. Traditional campaigns slam one person for their choices in hope voters will be scared into avoiding someone who is shadier than thou. By not pointing traditional fingers Bernie Sanders will continue to distance himself in terms of trustworthiness.
2. They don´t comprehend the beauty of the internet. Statements made in previous elections could be taken as true because very few people were able to go back and research the details. Now anything said can be typed into Google. Hillary is not used to just how easily she can be refuted with the touch of a finger. Claim you did not know where Bernie was while fighting for health care begins a hilarious joke when a video easily surfaces where he is standing literally behind you. Hillary´s campaign must fully understand the consequence of her every statement in a world where the past is now accessed by anyone with access to the world wide web.
3. They underestimate the power of millenial voters. Millenial voters have been raised in a different world then the one Hillary´s political aspirations began. They have a different way of thinking about the world. Flaunting ´she has more experience´ does not cut it today. Millenials are looking for a candidate who is focused on their future. Hillary Clinton´s recent behaviors are on the forefront in the millenial mind. Hillary´s supporters bring up her work done in the early nineties but many millenials are either to young to recall them or weren´t even born. This may actually be an advantage to Hillary as her past is not exactly known for being saintly.
4. They entirely miss the boat when it comes to ´tone.´ I was shocked at the statements made by Hillary supporters Gloria Steinem and Margaret Thatcher. ´Scolding´ potential female voters on their lack of feminism for not voting for a female felt humiliating. Throw in the recent CNN Benenson interview where Hillary´s campaign complained over Bernie´s negativity felt downright petty. Attempts to ply voters by continually playing the sexist card is poorly done even damaging. The campaign reeks of condescension when Hillary scolds Bernie supporters with her ´I pity them´ statements. Expecting voters to not understand why certain debate days are ridiculous on her behalf makes even supporters question why she doesn´t want to show off her prowess in the spotlight. She can point the finger at Bernie´s tone all she likes. The more she does it, the less respect is gained. To be a strong woman one should be fighting not whining over how ´unfair´ politics are.
5. They fail at facing scandal. Hillary Clinton´s trustworthy ratings are not just bad compared to Bernie Sanders, they are disastrous. She ducks the issues. She throws excuses. Bernie Sanders bluntly says what he means. Instead of continually blaming the GOP, Bernie supporters, and every scapegoat imaginable their candidate MUST take a stance. If Hillary Clinton has no intention of ever releasing the transcripts to her Goldman Sachs speeches then call a press conference to say so. If she is innocent of wrongdoing in her tenure as Secretary of State then step up and publically take a united stance. If she wants to continue using Super PACs which support fossil fuel use then admit it. The American people have grown wary of the media. They do not like being told what ´should be´ by a panel of ´experts´ instead of a candidate themselves. Secondhand statements will never receive the respect of a candidate proudly declaring their own words loud and clear. Until her campaign does damage control expect a lot more hilarious memes in the future.
politics can buy. She should be steam-rolling Bernie Sanders into submission. The people on her team are veterans in the art of winning elections. They run campaigns capable of reducing most opposing candidates to tears of frustration. Make no mistake about it, they are intelligent men and women with a staggering amount of experience. Millenials shoud be slavishly following Hillary except they aren´t. Bernie Sanders is besting their campaign manipulations and here´s why.
1. They don´t ´comprehend´ the unheard of Bernie Sanders approach to politics. Bernie Sanders is unusual in the world of politics, he may even be an enigma. His ads do not feature Hillary Clinton and her shady background. They do not start as ´Hillary Clinton has...´ or ´Hillary Clinton would...´ so vote for me because her negativities are destroying you. Bernie Sanders ads focus on the people not the person running opposite of him. Campaign ads are not supposed to do that. Traditional campaigns slam one person for their choices in hope voters will be scared into avoiding someone who is shadier than thou. By not pointing traditional fingers Bernie Sanders will continue to distance himself in terms of trustworthiness.
2. They don´t comprehend the beauty of the internet. Statements made in previous elections could be taken as true because very few people were able to go back and research the details. Now anything said can be typed into Google. Hillary is not used to just how easily she can be refuted with the touch of a finger. Claim you did not know where Bernie was while fighting for health care begins a hilarious joke when a video easily surfaces where he is standing literally behind you. Hillary´s campaign must fully understand the consequence of her every statement in a world where the past is now accessed by anyone with access to the world wide web.
3. They underestimate the power of millenial voters. Millenial voters have been raised in a different world then the one Hillary´s political aspirations began. They have a different way of thinking about the world. Flaunting ´she has more experience´ does not cut it today. Millenials are looking for a candidate who is focused on their future. Hillary Clinton´s recent behaviors are on the forefront in the millenial mind. Hillary´s supporters bring up her work done in the early nineties but many millenials are either to young to recall them or weren´t even born. This may actually be an advantage to Hillary as her past is not exactly known for being saintly.
4. They entirely miss the boat when it comes to ´tone.´ I was shocked at the statements made by Hillary supporters Gloria Steinem and Margaret Thatcher. ´Scolding´ potential female voters on their lack of feminism for not voting for a female felt humiliating. Throw in the recent CNN Benenson interview where Hillary´s campaign complained over Bernie´s negativity felt downright petty. Attempts to ply voters by continually playing the sexist card is poorly done even damaging. The campaign reeks of condescension when Hillary scolds Bernie supporters with her ´I pity them´ statements. Expecting voters to not understand why certain debate days are ridiculous on her behalf makes even supporters question why she doesn´t want to show off her prowess in the spotlight. She can point the finger at Bernie´s tone all she likes. The more she does it, the less respect is gained. To be a strong woman one should be fighting not whining over how ´unfair´ politics are.
5. They fail at facing scandal. Hillary Clinton´s trustworthy ratings are not just bad compared to Bernie Sanders, they are disastrous. She ducks the issues. She throws excuses. Bernie Sanders bluntly says what he means. Instead of continually blaming the GOP, Bernie supporters, and every scapegoat imaginable their candidate MUST take a stance. If Hillary Clinton has no intention of ever releasing the transcripts to her Goldman Sachs speeches then call a press conference to say so. If she is innocent of wrongdoing in her tenure as Secretary of State then step up and publically take a united stance. If she wants to continue using Super PACs which support fossil fuel use then admit it. The American people have grown wary of the media. They do not like being told what ´should be´ by a panel of ´experts´ instead of a candidate themselves. Secondhand statements will never receive the respect of a candidate proudly declaring their own words loud and clear. Until her campaign does damage control expect a lot more hilarious memes in the future.
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